Recent Water Damage Posts

SERVPRO - Swift and Efficient Water Mitigation Services for Local Hospitals

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Black and White photo of the outside of a hospital with a bright green SERVPRO truck out front. Discover how SERVPRO's emergency response team efficiently mitigated water damage at a local Knox County hospital, ensuring minimal disruption and mai

SERVPRO®  is a trusted provider of restoration and cleaning services.  We recently showcased our expertise by swiftly responding to a water damage incident at a local Knox County hospital. The follwoing prompt actions and dedication to minimizing downtime, ensured seamless operations for the hospital. 

1.   Immediate Response and Assessment:

When the emergency call came in, SERVPRO's highly skilled team immediately rushed to the hospital, assessing the extent of the water damage and identifying potential risks.  Our quick response aimed to prevent further damage and minimize any health hazards associated with standing water.

2.   Efficient Water Extraction and Drying:

Using advanced equipment, our team efficiently extracted water from affected areas such as examination rooms, hallways, and administrative spaces. Our team employed cutting-edge drying techniques to eliminate excess moisture, preventing the growth of mold and creating a safe environment for patients, staff, and visitors.

3.   Minimizing Disruption to Hospital Operations:

Recognizing the critical nature of healthcare services, our team worked diligently to minimize disruptions to the hospital's daily operations. By strategically coordinating our activities, we ensured a seamless restoration process without interfering with patient care or medical procedures.

4.  Thorough Cleanup and Sanitization:

Our commitment to detail extended beyond water extraction and drying. Our team conducted a comprehensive cleanup and sanitization process, restoring the affected areas to their pre-damage condition. By utilizing industry-leading cleaning techniques and disinfectants, our team ensured the hospital's compliance with strict health and safety standards.

SERVPRO Team Cuthbertson's swift emergency response, efficient water mitigation services, and dedication to minimizing disruption exemplify our commitment to providing reliable restoration solutions to local hospitals. By promptly addressing water damage, we safeguard the hospital's integrity, allowing medical professionals to focus on delivering exceptional care to their patients. Trust SERVPRO for emergency response and restoration expertise.

Sewage Damage Process

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in the basement caused by sewer backflows due to clogged sanitary sewers Sewage damage in a basement

Process of Sewage Damage

Sewage damage is one of the most serious issues that you can encounter in your home. It can be difficult to clean up and repair, and there are times when identifying when it has occurred can be difficult. If you want to know whether you have sewage damage in your home, look for the following signs:

Potential Hazards

Once you decide to hire a professional, they will assess any potential environmental hazards, structural hazards, mold, and mildew hazards. If the property has been flooded with raw sewage or municipal wastewater, then it is likely that pathogens are present in the home’s air. These pathogens could lead to illness if not handled properly by a professional company that knows how to decontaminate such a property.

Sewage damage restoration companies have extensive experience in remediation of such issues and can assist you if you are unsure about hiring someone for this type of work

Pre-remediation Considerations

Pre-remediation considerations are important and can help you achieve the best results.

While it's tempting to do your own sewage damage cleanup and repair, there are a few things you should consider before taking on this project yourself. First, you'll want to make sure that you're hiring a professional contractor who has the proper equipment and skillset for the job. This way, they will be able to properly assess your situation and come up with an efficient solution for repairing any damage caused by sewage backup or flooding in your home or business property. Some contractors specialize in certain areas of work—for example, some focus solely on using biohazards material cleanup methods while others may specialize in removing odors after sewage backups have occurred. When choosing a professional contractor, it's important that they have all these qualities so they can best serve your needs as well as answer any questions that may arise during this process.

Special Remediation Situations

If the sewage damage is in your basement, you may have experienced a flood. If this is the case, you should take photos of the flooding and send them to your insurance company as soon as possible. Keep track of all costs associated with the cleanup process, including temporary housing and any lost work time.

If there’s a leak in your home that’s causing sewage backup into other areas or if there was an overflow at one of your neighbor’s houses due to clogged pipes (or whatever), these are both circumstances that require special handling. You can get help from an expert who knows how to handle these instances on behalf of your insurance company by contacting us today!

Sewage cleanup is best handled by professionals

If you have experienced a sewage backup, it is important to know the extent of the damage. Sewage cleanup is a specialized service and professional sewer cleaning companies have the equipment and expertise to handle any type of sewage damage.

In conclusion, sewage damage can be a serious issue that requires professional attention. If you're dealing with this problem and need some help, contact us today!

When Shouldn't You Use Drain Cleaner?

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Plastic Pipes Plastic Pipes

When Should You Avoid Using Drain Cleaner?

You may be tempted to treat a clogged drain with store-bought drain cleaner in Rocky Hill, TN. However, you should be careful about when and how you apply this potent chemical liquid. There are certain situations in which drain cleaner should never be used, in order to prevent more damage from occurring.

Plastic Pipes

The chemicals in drain cleaner react together to transfer electrons to and from organic substances, causing them to break down. This process also produces heat- that's how they force their way down further into the pipe. These two factors mean that they can warp and eat through piping made of pliable materials, like plastic. The three types of cleaners you should stay away from if you do have plastic pipes are:

  • Sulfiric or muriatic acid cleaners
  • Lye or caustic potash cleaners
  • Bleach, peroxide or nitrate cleaners

Total Blockage

Often, drain cleaners won't be able to clear a clogged drain if there is a solid mass of hair, oil and debris completely blocking the flow of air and liquid. So, if they are used in these situations, the cleaner ends up sitting there above the block. Given enough time, the strong chemicals can deal out some real damage to your pipes, even if they aren't plastic or old.

Old Pipes

Old pipes will have a lot of the same problems as plastic pipes because they are brittle and delicate. If you discover that your pipes are old or rusting, you are probably better off replacing your plumbing rather than going through sewage cleaning. New pipes are the best way to ensure that one doesn't burst and you have water damage remediation to deal with instead of a blockage.
Most people don't even know there are other options for dealing with a clogged drain. Instead of chemical cleaner, you can try biological options, like a drain snake. Ask your local hardware store for more guidance.

4 Possible Sources of Sewage in Your Home

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

sewage backup in a toilet Toilet overflow in a home in Rocky Hill, TN.

Four Potential Sewage Sources in Your Home

Your home's plumbing system brings in clean water and discreetly clears away the used and dirty water. Occasionally, pipes break, and sometimes those pipes are in the process of taking away contaminated water. When this happens, professional sewage cleaning is a necessity. A number of situations in your home in Rocky Hill, TN, could result in a black water spill.

1. Toilet Overflow. While this might seem minor, any time water from a toilet that contains urine or feces overflows it is a serious situation. The water potentially contains harmful bacteria and microbes that are detrimental to human health. Plus, the water can contaminate flooring and other materials.

2. Clogged Pipe. A discharge line that is obstructed could result in a sewage backup, spilling out contaminated water into an area of the home. As with all other types of spills requiring professional sewage cleaning, a water damage mitigation team should be called. Trained technicians will work safely and quickly to remove the dirty water and clean and sanitize the home.

3. Pipe Burst. Older pipes tend to weaken with age. After forty or fifty years of use, many piping materials are at or near the end of their lifespan. This is especially true of galvanized steel piping. If the pipe that breaks is carrying used water, the spill should be considered potentially harmful to human health.

4. Flood. Though this situation has nothing to do with the plumbing system, it is still an issue important to homeowners. Outside water coming into a home from overflowing streams or lakes or heavy rains is often contaminated with germs, chemicals and other substances. As such, it should be treated with the highest level of concern.
No matter what the source of the spill, sewage cleaning is best handled by a professional company. It will have the appropriate equipment and training to deal with the situation safely and efficiently.

The Importance of Cleaning Mold Quickly

2/27/2022 (Permalink)

Black mold growth behind toilet Mold damage in Westmoreland Heights, TN.

Why Schedule Mold Clean-Up?

Spot mold on your walls or carpet, and your first instinct might be to leave your commercial property and call a mold remediation company. While the unsightly stains might seem bad enough, there are other, more important risks to keep in mind. Check out these two reasons why you should schedule a mold cleanup as soon as possible after a pipe burst.

1. It Can Spread

Wet, warm and humid conditions make mold thrive. Water from a broken pipe can cause mold to sprout if it's left standing longer than 24 hours. It does so by releasing microscopic spores into the air that can travel all over your property. If the problem is left unattended, it can spread to several rooms. Depending on the location of the damaged pipe, you might be encouraging it to grow every time you turn on a sink or flush a toilet.

2. It's Unsightly

Mold can create stains that are set in your carpet and walls. Simply drying the water from a pipe burst is often not sufficient to get your business back in optimal condition. Experts might need to install new flooring or drywall to remove all traces of an infestation. Business owners in Westmoreland Heights, TN who allow mold to fester end up paying a significant amount of money repairing their property.

A pipe burst shouldn't be taken lightly. The mold that can result might be viral and aesthetically damaging. Schedule an emergency mold clean-up quickly after a disaster to make your commercial property safe.

The Pipes Burst, Now What?

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Hole in the ceiling of a kitchen due to a bursting pipe, drying equipment placed on area, Broken pipe leads to severe water damage in Blue Grass, TN.

What To Do When Your Pipe Bursts?

Many homeowners worry that their pipes will burst, and they won’t know what to do when that happens. Floods can be incredibly distressing, and without a cleanup service to help, it can be almost impossible to prevent or aid water damage. Luckily, there are things that you can do after you’ve been confronted with bursting pipes. Consider three of the most important steps to take.

1. Call a Cleanup Service

When it comes to flooding, mold can grow quickly. Mildew and mold take only a couple of days to grow in moist environments; this means that you have to start the cleanup process as soon as possible to prevent any secondary damage to your home. While you may be able to start some of the cleanup process on your own, a professional will have the tools to do it quicker and more effectively.

2. Open Windows and Air Out Home

The next step after your home has been flooded by bursting pipes is to open all of the windows. This is going to ensure that you have proper airflow in your home to help the drying process begin. You can also use a dehumidifier for extra help in drawing the moisture out of your residence while you wait for your remediation expert to arrive. Keep in mind that if the moisture lingers even after most of the water is gone, mold can still grow.

3. Fix the Pipes

Once your home is cleaned up of water, you need to have someone fix the broken pipe and maintain your plumbing system. It’s no use to clean up your home only to have your pipes burst again.

Flooding due to bursting pipes can be frustrating and stressful. Fortunately, with the help of a cleanup service, you can rest easy and help keep your Blue Grass, TN, home dry.

Water Mitigation Procedures After a Water Heater Fails

12/31/2021 (Permalink)

Close up of a water heater A broken water heater can cause extensive water damage to a home.

Water Mitigation Procedures

A broken water heater can cause extensive water damage to a home. Hot water heaters are usually located in out-of-the-way places, such as the basement or a closet, so they can leak for days before being discovered. If you experience a failed water heater, you may want to call a water damage mitigation specialist in Blue Grass, TN, to handle the cleanup. A leaking water heater poses multiple threats, including the following.

• Electrocution: If water comes into contact with any electrical outlets, the electrical current that flows through the water can be strong enough to kill

• Water Damage: Porous materials, such as drywall or carpeting, may need to be replaced.

• Mold: Within 48 hours of flooding, mold can grow.
Cleanup after a leaking water heater involves several steps. Here is what to expect if you hire professionals to deal with the damage.

1. Assessment

Before cleanup can begin, a specialist will need to assess the situation and come up with a plan of action. If electrocution is a possibility, a specialist will know the safest way to shut down the water source and make the area safe for workers.

2. Extraction

The next step is removing the water. This is done using industrial-strength wet vacs. If the water is deep, submersible pumps may also be used. No matter how deep the flooding, this can usually be done in under a day.

3. Removal of Damaged Materials

Drywall, flooring and other porous materials damaged by the water are removed and disposed of. Materials like metal, glass and hardwood can usually be dried out and restored.

4. Drying

Industrial-strength fans and dehumidifiers are used to completely dry out the affected area. This prevents further water damage and mold growth.

5. Cleaning and Restoring

Non-porous materials are disinfected and cleaned. This guarantees the area is safe for you and your family. Any building materials that were removed are replaced.

A leaking water heater may not be discovered for days. By then, the water damage could be extensive. To keep your family safe and prevent further damage, contact a water damage mitigations specialist in Blue Grass, TN, to handle the cleanup.

3 Steps for Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

Broom, shovel, air movers placed in a home, flood cuts performed on a drywall. Water damage in a Blue Grass, TN home

Prevent Water Damage In Your Home

It's hard to fully appreciate the impact of the damage caused by water in home until you've actually experienced it. One of the most expensive losses suffered by homeowners happens when they have a broken pipe or other cause of water damage. Fortunately, regular maintenance and annual inspections can go a long way toward preventing those losses. Even without understanding the potential devastation, you can still take steps to prevent damage from happening.

1. Check Out the HVAC System

You may discover drips or leaks if the appliances in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system aren't functioning properly. You should never see water coming from your indoor units (other than minor "sweat" on the indoor evaporator coil.) If there's ever enough water to cause a drip, you may have trouble. You should also be on the lookout for ice build-up on the indoor coil. Regular maintenance is a great way to spot trouble early on, so you can make minor repairs before you have expensive damages on your hands.

2. Put Appliances on Your Calendar

Appliances such as dishwashers, clothes washers, dryers, and refrigerators are common causes of leaking water in a home. You can avoid a lot of damage by routinely inspecting hoses and connections. Keep appliance vents clean and clear. Watch out for corrosion and leaks. These quick and easy steps don't take long and are very effective at preventing water damage.

3. Make Friends With a Plumber

You may not notice a broken pipe until you have significant damage and lots of expenses due to pipe cleanup without regular visits from a plumber. Leaks from the toilet, bathtub, shower, or sink could happen behind the walls or under the floor. As soon as you notice unpleasant or musty smells, condensation on pipes, or puddles of water, contact a plumber. You should also act quickly if you notice an unusual spike in your monthly water bill.

Don't wait until you have to call a Blue Grass, TN restoration specialist to take action. Prevent water in home damages with consistent maintenance and routine inspections.

Maintaining and Inspecting Fire Sprinklers in Your Building

9/27/2021 (Permalink)

Close up shot of a burning candle. Sprinkler maintenance does not have to be a complicated process and can be simple when you know the most common areas to check.

As fire sprinklers are likely a required element of any business, it is necessary to perform routine sprinkler maintenance to ensure proper functionality and to limit the risk of premature discharge. While performing this routine maintenance, there are at least four elements you should inspect.

1. Check for Surface Damage

While inspecting your sprinkler system, you may come across areas of corrosion. This can be normal damage; however, if it is not dealt with, it can lead to a burst pipe, as rusting weakens the waterline. To prevent corrosion, you should inspect your sprinkler system for any minor leaks and repair them once found.

2. Check for Parts Separation

If you come across sprinkler heads that are showing signs of separation, this can be an indication of mechanical damage. In this instance, complete separation can occur from minimal impact, resulting in an open water line and causing flooding in your building. If you notice signs of separation, you should immediately call in a professional to remedy the situation.

3. Check for Temperature Fluctuations

Fire sprinklers cannot differentiate between heat from a heating unit and heat from a fire. If the sprinklers sense a temperature above a certain level, they may be triggered. Additionally, heat is not the only thing you have to be concerned about when performing sprinkler maintenance checks, as frigid temperatures can cause freezing in the sprinkler lines, which can lead to separation and failure of the pipes. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a consistent temperature in areas where sprinklers are located and to avoid any drastic fluctuations.

4. Check for Possible Vandalism

An unfortunate need for inspection is the possibility of vandalism. Whatever the reasoning behind the vandalism, the culprit may cause significant damage to your sprinkler system that is not immediately evident, leading to a delayed event that is meant to produce the most damage possible.

As sprinkler systems are typically a requirement in Knoxville, TN, buildings, it is essential to maintain them properly to ensure their effective operation. Sprinkler maintenance does not have to be a complicated process and can be simple when you know the most common areas to check.

What To Do When There is Water Leaking From a Light Fixture

7/17/2021 (Permalink)

water coming out a light fixture Water in light fixtures can be fixed.

What To Do When There is Water Leaking From a Light Fixture

Water damage can happen to any homeowner. Common reasons for water damage in Bearden, TN, include the following problems:

  • Aging structure
  • Harsh weather
  • Faulty pipes

Despite the reason, it’s important to note how easily water can enter your home. Sometimes, leakage can affect electrical appliances. Water in light fixtures can be dangerous and must be addressed immediately. Read more to learn what to look for and what to do when it happens.

What Does Water Leaking From a Light Look Like?
Ceiling damage is one of the easiest ways water can enter light fixtures. If you notice water pooling near a lightbulb or panel, this might be one of your first signs of a serious problem. Water is a conductor of electricity, and when it is in contact with electricity, it can harm people and create electrical fires.

What Do I Do When it Happens?

The first step of action that you can take is to turn off the electricity in that area of your home. This will protect you from being electrocuted when in contact with the water in the future. Be sure to directly turn off the circuit, not just the light switch. This will prevent any electricity from running through your home and causing any problems.
After you have successfully turned off the power, soak up the water with towels. If there is still water in light fixtures, remove the cover of the light bulb or panel and drain away the water. Inspect the ceiling around the fixture and look for any pooling water. You may have to cut away the ceiling to drain the water.
The most important thing to do is contact a professional to help you address the problem and make sure that all the water has been successfully removed. Consult with an electrician before turning the power back on.
Water in light fixtures can be fixed. By addressing the problem calmly, you can prevent any further damage and get the help that you need.

Water Damage in Knoxville Tennessee

7/5/2021 (Permalink)

When your home or business suffers a water damage in Knoxville, TN, understanding what type of water you are dealing with is critical to ensuring proper cleanup.

There are three types of water. Clean water is water from a broken pipe or other water source; rainwater is also considered clean. The term gray water is used to classify slightly contaminated water. Clean water becomes gray water when it is left untreated allowing bacteria and other contaminants to begin growing, making the water hazardous. Black water is highly contaminated and filled with fungi, bacteria, chemicals and more. Black water is typically caused by sewage damage, flooding or any type of natural disaster. Black water should always be handled by trained professionals.
Consider taking the follow precautions to help minimize damage or prevent further damage while waiting for help to arrive.

Damage from Clean Water in Knoxville, TN

-Shut off water source if possible or contact a qualified professional to do so.
-Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building if access to the power distribution panel is safe from potential electrical shock. Do not enter rooms with standing water, as electrical shock hazards may exist.
-Remove as much excess water as possible my mopping and blotting. Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and table items.
-Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions to allow more even drying.
- Move any paintings, art objects computers, documents and other valuable items that may be sensitive to moisture to a safe place.
-Do not leave books, newspapers magazines or other colored items on wet carpets or floors as they may cause staining.
- Do not use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water as there is potential for electrical shock causing damage to the vacuum cleaner.
-Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet; do not enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

Damage from Contaminated Water in Knoxville, TN

-Avoid all contact with sewage and items contaminated by sewage. Wash your hands thoroughly if you come in contact with contaminated items.
-Do not walk through contaminated areas, as you could spread damage to unaffected areas.
-Do not turn on the HVAC system if there is a possibility of spreading contaminated air.
-Do not use household fans to dry the structure; air flow could spread contaminants.
-Discard any food and/or products for personal hygiene and cleanliness if exposed to the contaminated areas.

How To Clean Up After a Leaking Water Heater

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

Closeup of a rusty and leaking water heater A leaking water heater can cause significant water damage.

How To Clean Up After a Leaking Water Heater

A leaking water heater is something no Knoxville, TN, homeowner wants to experience. Whether you have a sudden break that’s expelling a large volume of water into the room or a slow small leak that’s been dripping into your floor and walls for a long time, a failed water heater often results in substantial damage that requires professional water damage remediation. Here’s what you can expect if you’re facing water damage from a broken water heater.

1. Damage Assessment
Always contact a restoration company as soon as you discover the leak. Time is of the essence in any water damage scenario, and the company will likely dispatch one or more remediation professionals to the scene right away to begin the initial assessment. When they arrive, they will first identify the source of the leak and shut it off to prevent any further damage. They then inspect the area to determine the extent of the damage and the contamination level of the water involved.

2. Water Extraction and Drying
Next, remediation professionals remove the excess water caused by your leaking water heater using powerful commercial equipment to extract as much moisture as possible. They may also remove carpet and carpet pads as necessary. After extraction, the surrounding surfaces may appear to be dry. However, porous materials like wood and sheetrock can absorb and retain water. Restoration professionals have special training and equipment to fully dry and dehumidify the space.

3. Cleaning and Restoration
Depending on the contamination level of the water involved, anything in the affected area needs to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after drying. Remediation experts are trained in a number of methods to safely and effectively clean and restore most surfaces and materials to ensure that any dirt, bacteria, mold spores, or other contaminants are completely removed.
A leaking water heater can cause significant water damage. Fortunately, most damage can be reversed with the help of an experienced remediation team.

Outlining The Water Damage Restoration Process

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Outlining The Water Damage Restoration Process

Every water damage, whether it be in West Knoxville, Farragut, Karns, or Harden Valley is going to be different- from the level of contamination it inflicts to the amount of water introduced into homes and businesses. Each scenario requires a different and unique solution, but the recovery process remains the same. Professional water damage repair and recovery experts understand that when it comes to standing water, the best response is a quick one. Whether from a flood, a storm, faulty household appliance, leaky pipes, and more, expert technicians in Tennessee have the experience, technology, tools, and equipment to help restore residential and commercial properties. 

When a West Knoxville water damage expert appears at your office or home, they are well trained with the experience, expertise, and techniques to restore your property. Their water removal and cleanup process also provides validation and a cleaning process that goes into their full step system, which includes the following: 

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Damage Assessment

Step 3: Water Removal/Water Extraction

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

Step 6: Restoration 

When water damage strikes, time is of the critical because the timeline between minutes to hours and 48 hours to a week is reflected in the damage water inflicts. For example, within minutes water begins to saturate everything, within hours water breaks down walls and all types of surfaces, including emitting a musty odor. Within 48 hours to a week, water creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow and a harmful biohazard contamination to occur. 

Our SERVPRO of West Knoxville water damage technicians also specialize in restoring contents damaged by fire, water, or mold to save you money and to preserve those precious keepsakes that are irreplaceable. The cleaning methods utilized by water damage experts include the following: 

• Dry cleaning - cleans light residues or to pre-clean before wet cleaning. 

• Wet cleaning - removes various levels of residues. 

• Spray and Wipe - cleaning for items that can't be wet cleaned.

• Foam cleaning - upholstery fabrics that require specialized care. 

• Abrasive cleaning - involves agitation of different surfaces being cleaned. 

• Immersion cleaning - contents are dipped into a bath of a cleaning product.

• Move-Outs/Pack-Outs - our technicians will carefully pack up your home to bring to our storage facility until you are ready for your belongings to be moved back in.

When valuable documents including photographs that are damaged by water, they may be restored depending upon the type of documents involved and the level of water damage. Document and photograph restoration process can involve air drying, dehumidification, freezer drying, vacuum freeze and thermal drying. 

Our expert's fire, water, and mold remediation can also help in easing home and commercial owner's worries and confusion with insurance inventory claims. Our knowledgeable staff begins by inspecting room-by-room inventory of all contents and to provide better information to settle claims quicker, thus giving our customer's peace of mind at a time when you need it the most. 

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of West Knoxville is locally owned and operated which makes us proud to be a part of the surrounding Tennessee communities of West Knoxville, Farragut, Karns, Harden Valley. We are available to help for any water damages with our services available seven days a week – including holidays and our 24/7 emergency services. Call us at (865) 690-9658. When there is a fire and water damage emergency, we are always nearby and ready to help. For additional information, visit our website at  

West Knoxville 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

house with SERVPRO Van SERVPRO of West Knoxville is available 24/7, 365!

SERVPRO of West Knoxville is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help

Call Today - (865) 691-3253

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of West Knoxville has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of West Knoxville

SERVPRO of West Knoxville specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

How to Protect Your Pipes this Winter

10/12/2020 (Permalink)

snow on ground.  Picture is from the side of the road in a neighborhood. Stay Safe. Stay Warm. Call SERVPRO.

5 Tips to Protect Your Pipes This Winter

With the air becoming crisper and the temperature dropping,  SERVPRO of West Knoxville wants our customers to be prepared when freezing pipes become a possibility.  Here are 5 tips on how to protect your pipes this winter! 

  1. Insulate pipes located in the attic and crawl space using pipe insulation, even if the climate where you live does not often have hard freeze conditions. You can also wrap pipes in heat tape or heat cables with thermostat control. The best pipe insulation for your situation will depend on your home.
  2. Drain water from swimming pool and water sprinkler supply lines following manufacturer's or installer's directions. Do not put antifreeze in these lines unless directed. Antifreeze is environmentally harmful and is dangerous to humans, pets, wildlife, and landscaping.
  3. Keep garage doors closed, especially if there are water supply lines in the garage.
  4. Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing, especially if your sinks are on an exterior wall. (If you have small children, be sure to remove any harmful cleaners and household chemicals.)
  5. Disconnect garden hoses from outdoor faucets. Even frost-proof outdoor faucets can burst if a hose is connected.

If your pipes do undergo damage this winter, we are opened 24/7, 365 days a year!  Even though we know pipes bursting can be extremely inconvenient and devastating SERVPRO of West Knoxville will be there to help you through it and we will make it "Like it never even happened." 

File a Water Damage Claim in 5 Easy Steps

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

There are unique aspects to every type of insurance claim.

There are unique aspects to every type of insurance claim. When dealing with water damage, there is an urgent need to dry out your home before mold becomes a problem. Follow these steps to get the claims process moving as soon as possible:

1. Notify the Insurance Company
Once the flow of water from the pipe burst stops, contact your insurer. Do this immediately, even if it is 2 a.m. on Sunday. Leave a voice mail if nobody answers. Start the claim if you get through to an agent. Explain your problem and ask the agent about your coverage. Ask for instructions, then write them down and confirm that you understand them. Request the preferred vendor list so that you can select water damage recovery experts in the Knoxville, TN, area.

2. Follow the Agent’s Instructions
Instructions may involve filling out an insurance claim and preparing for a visit by the adjuster. It is essential to complete these tasks as quickly as possible. If the agent authorized you to contact a cleanup company, do so quickly. Cleanup needs to start as soon as possible.

3. Take Photographs of the Flood Damage
Now is the time to take photos to show what was affected. The adjuster needs to see the original damage. A smartphone is a terrific tool for documenting any issues.

4. Begin the Recovery Process. Make sure that the damaged area is safe to enter. It may be necessary to turn off the power. Next, you should proceed to remove everything you plan to keep. Store undamaged items in a dry area. Send the damaged items out for restoration.

5. Give the Adjuster a Tour of the Damage
Provide the adjuster with your pictures and the information requested by the agent. If all the information is available, this should go smoothly.

Once your insurance claim approval is complete and the local water damage recovery experts are on the job, your home will be on the fast track to restoration.

When To Replace the Bathroom Supply Line?

10/16/2019 (Permalink)

Pay attention to changes in your plumbing. Subtle noises could indicate issues are developing.

Are you hearing bubbling or whistling noises when you flush the toilet? Do you find yourself fixing more clogs than usual? If so, you could have supply line damage. Call out a plumber in Knoxville, TN, to inspect the pipes and determine if action is needed. After all, taking the time now to evaluate the situation could prevent flood damage and the need for water restoration services. If you're wondering if it's time to change that part, here are three things to consider.

Signs of a Problem
Supply lines help water travel throughout the house and can, unfortunately, suffer from hard to detect issues. This could mean a bathroom leak, particularly in the toilet or sink. If you have seen or heard any of the following symptoms, you may need repairs:

Low water pressure
Numerous backups or clogs
Odd noises
Unusually high water bills
Damp drywall

Age Is Important
When contractors build houses they typically use one of two different types of piping: steel braid or plastic. The steel is stronger and lasts for a longer time, often having a lifetime warranty. Plastic, on the other hand, can break down more easily, having a warranty of 5-8 years. If your home is older, you recently had a construction or the home has aged, check with specialists to see if supply line damage has begun. Consider changing lines sooner rather than later, avoiding potential water leaks.

Additional Factors To Consider
A supply line leak can occur from other circumstances. Over time, wear and tear from chemical agents such as liquid cleaners can hurt the lines. Also, sometimes the local water quality can impact it as well. Do you live in an area with high levels of chlorine? This substance actually breaks down the pipes, possibly creating holes and sometimes leading to a burst.

Pay attention to changes in your plumbing. Subtle noises could indicate issues are developing. Don't leave supply line damage unattended. Call in professional help and have the area inspected. Fix the small problem to avoid a major one.

3 Things You Should Do if You Have Flooding in Your Basement

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

It is important that you handle the situation properly to reduce the time needed for repairs as well as the cost.

When a broken pipe or appliance causes flooding in your basement, it is important to have it taken care of right away since the excess water can cause a lot of damage to your Knoxville, TN, home. If it remains there for an extended period of time, it can ruin your belongings and weaken the structure of the building. Wood will begin to warp and rot, and mold will grow and spread. The following steps should be taken in this situation.

1. Start Filing a Claim
Because water damage from flooding can be costly, you should begin filing your insurance claim immediately. Call your agent to inform them of the damage so that they can start the process. Waiting too long to call can result in your claim being denied and you may be stuck paying for repairs on your own. Contacting the company right away will prevent this and will allow you to complete the claim sooner.

2. Call a Restoration Service
The next call you should make is to a clean up and restoration service. It is important to have the water removed as soon as possible, so don’t put it off. A professional company will be able to perform pipe repair on the source of the water and start work on salvaging your home and belongings.

3. Document the Damage and Begin Cleaning Up
You don’t need to sit around doing nothing while you wait for the insurance adjuster or restoration company to arrive. Instead, you can begin making a list of damaged areas and belongings and taking pictures of the basement flood. The adjuster can use these to help process your claim. You should begin cleaning the area as well if it is safe to do so.

Because flooding in your home can cause a significant amount of damage, it is important that you handle the situation properly to reduce the time needed for repairs as well as the cost. Following these steps can make the situation go more smoothly.

5 Common Water Issues in Commercial Buildings

9/13/2019 (Permalink)

Water can cause costly cleanup issues for any property owner, the costs of liquid from leaking pipes can become extensive.

Just like residential buildings, commercial properties require water and sewer maintenance. Business owners and building supervisors know that what may begin as a small leak can quickly turn into a nightmare of running water if left unattended. But older buildings in Knoxville, TN, can have more problems than leaking pipes and a stopped toilet. Here are five of the most common water issues in commercial buildings.

Silent Mold

Where there is leaking water, there is often signs of mold. Since spores are in the air all the time, it is an accepted consequence of nature to have spores seek out water in a dark spot in a commercial building in order to grow a new colony.

Broken Foundation

Any building’s foundation can develop cracks as it ages, and this is especially true of the huge cement base supporting a commercial structure. Rainwater may seep into the cracks and plant roots can further weaken the structure.

Cracked Sewer

The cast iron drain lines used in most commercial buildings are designed to last up to 25 years. As they age, the pressure of sewer gasses and chemical cleaners can cause a toilet backup or a very costly pipe break.

Leaking Water

Water pipes can leak, and when they do, the damage the liquid may cause can be extensive. From wood rot to equipment damage to basement flooding, leaking pipes causing an excess of water in any commercial building is never a good thing.

Fractured Copper

Copper pipes can develop miniature cracks which may allow water to drip until the liquid forces the pipe to fracture. If caught before a break occurs, the lines can often be soldered instead of needing to be replaced.

Water can cause costly cleanup issues for any property owner, but in a large commercial building, the costs of liquid from leaking pipes can become extensive. Having a water damage specialist check the area for hidden signs of damage in a yearly maintenance routine can prevent possible flooding and mold issues.

What To Do if Your Building's Fire Sprinklers Accidentally Turn On

9/11/2019 (Permalink)

Although sprinklers are often useful, they can cause flooding if they turn on accidentally.

During a fire, having fire sprinklers that function properly can often help to protect your business in Knoxville, TN, from fire damage. Unfortunately, there are some instances when your building's sprinklers may go off unnecessarily, which can result in flooding. If your sprinklers accidentally turn on, there are several useful steps you can take.

1. Turn Off the Water
Sprinklers are designed to dispense large amounts of water in a short period of time to put out a fire. However, when your sprinklers turn on when there is not a fire in your building, water damage can occur quickly. In general, less water in your building makes cleanup and restoration quicker and less costly, so it's often useful to turn off the water in your building as soon as possible.

2. Dry Out the Building
Once your sprinklers are turned off and water is no longer flooding your building, it's often wise to keep your building as dry as possible in order to mitigate the damage. If you were able to turn off the water soon after the sprinklers turned on, it may be possible to remove the majority of the water with a mop and towels. Opening windows can also help to increase the airflow and keep your building dry.

3. Seek Out Professional Help
Though turning off the water in your building and keeping your building dry can be helpful, it's often useful to contact water damage, restoration experts. Water from fire sprinklers can cause widespread damage, and professionals can assist in restoring the structure of your building and can also help to restore any items that have been damaged. Additionally, experts can help to prevent mold growth and other forms of secondary damage that often occur after a flood.

Although sprinklers are often useful, they can cause flooding if they turn on accidentally. However, responding appropriately by turning off the water, drying out the building and contacting professionals for assistance can decrease the likelihood of your business sustaining major damage.

The Water Damage Cycle: Category 2

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

If clean water moves through walls or floors, for example, it becomes contaminated and can cause Category 2 water damage.

Dealing with water damage in Knoxville, TN, can be confusing, but it doesn’t need to be. Water damage comes in three categories, each more contaminated than the last. While flooding from a broken pipe will usually cause annoying but harmless Category 1 water damage, immediate water pipe repair and water damage repair are your best defenses against more serious problems that may arise. Even a broken freshwater pipe can lead to Category 2 water damage, which is a significantly more serious hazard than Category 1.

Where Does Category 2 Water Damage Come From?

Category 2 water can come from a variety of sources:

• Leaking washing machines
• Leaking dishwashers
• Leaking toilet tanks
• Broken aquariums or aquarium accessories

Additionally, damage done by clean water can become Category 2 water damage if not cleaned up promptly. If clean water moves through walls or floors, for example, it becomes contaminated and can cause Category 2 water damage. Water from leaking appliances such as those listed above, on the other hand, doesn’t need to age to become contaminated; it is already contaminated.

Why Does It Matter?

While not as toxic as Category 3 water, Category 2 water is still a very serious concern, and its cleanup is best left to professionals:

• Category 2 water can cause serious illness.
• Clean water can turn into Category 2 water quickly.
• Category 2 water damage can turn into Category 3 water damage, which poses even greater health risks.

Category 2 water damage is a problem that requires immediate care. It involves water that is contaminated and poses a health risk. Getting quick water damage repair to ensure that Category 2 water damage does not escalate to Category 3 is important for a safe and healthy restoration. Proper water pipe repair and/or repair of any leaking items in the building will ensure fewer health risks and more peace of mind.

How To Save Flooded Carpeting

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage in a bedroom in Rocky Hill, TN

Is it Possible to Save Your Carpet After You've Had Water Damage?

The answer is important to homeowners who have experienced a pipe break or flooding. If your Rocky Hill, TN, home has been affected by any type of flooding, you need to decide whether to replace the flooring or get it cleaned. Use the following questions to determine your next course of action:

  • How long was the room exposed to flood water?
  • Was the flood water contaminated?
  • Does everything, including the padding, need to be replaced?

After reviewing these questions and the following answers, contact a water damage restoration specialist to help you with the cleanup and repairs associated with flooding.

Length of Time Exposed to Water

Anything that has been exposed to floodwater for more than 72 hours should be replaced; this includes the padding below the flooring. After soaking that long, the materials may become delaminated or begin to exhibit mold growth. At this point, even if restoration experts save your carpet, you should replace the padding. It is very difficult to get the heavy material thoroughly clean and dried.

The Effect of Contaminants

The water from a pipe break may be fairly clean, but flooding from outside often carries a lot of contaminants. These could include dirt, debris, sewage, and chemicals. The best way to determine how clean the water was is to contact a water damage professional. These technicians can tell you whether to clean or replace your flooring.

The Possibility of Saving Flooring

It is often possible to save some of the flooring materials. Workers will carefully roll up the top layer of the flooring and remove it for cleaning and disinfecting, if necessary. Once the padding has been removed and thrown out and when the bottom layer of flooring is completely dry, it's time for new padding. Finally, your original flooring is ready to be replaced.
A pipe break, overflowing toilet, or flooded basement requires a lot of cleanup. Make things simpler and easier on yourself by working closely with trained water remediation professionals.

How To Safely and Effectively Dry Out Your Commercial Property

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

Any number of things can cause water damage to your property, whether it’s a serious pipe burst or a backed-up sewer line.

Any number of things can cause water damage to your Farragut, TN property, whether it’s a serious pipe burst or a backed-up sewer line. Regardless of the culprit, it’s important to pick up handy advice on how to deal with such occasions so you can properly restore your commercial building. When you’re looking for water damage tips or cleaning tips that can be put to use until help arrives, remember these three helpful hints on how to safely and effectively dry out your property.

1. Be wary of any standing water if your building has flooded. Before taking any action on drying out your space, it’s vital that you shut off the main water supply to prevent further damage, as well as the power supply to avoid electrical shocks. Meanwhile, if there’s substantial water buildup, it’s important to wear protective clothing and avoid direct contact with possibly contaminated water. As far as damage tips go, this is a crucial step to take before moving forward, and contacting water damage repair experts for further help and guidance is the next best option.

2. Stick with natural ventilation, as opposed to your HVAC system. While utilizing your building’s heating or air conditioning might seem like one of the easier cleaning tips, choosing these methods for drying can actually cause more damage to your property’s structure. Stick to opening all of the windows and allow natural air ventilation to do its job.

3. Start removing soaked furniture, clothing or other items if it’s safe to do so. While it’s best to wait for the clear go-ahead from professionals, beginning the process of removing saturated belongings is also important to drying out your property at a faster pace.

Safety First, Restoration Second

Though you presumably want to get your Farragut, TN building up and running again as quickly as possible, it’s crucial for everyone’s safety to follow these water damage tips in order to prevent any more hazards.

3 Things You Should Know About Water Damage in Your Apartment

4/4/2019 (Permalink)

Taking quick action to dry and restore your apartment will yield the best end results.

3 Things You Should Know About Water Damage In Your Apartment

As a renter in Knoxville, TN there is a fine line between what you can tolerate and what is unacceptable. While most renters have come to expect a few squeaks in the floors and quirks in the appliances, living with leaking appliances can be a huge hassle. From a pipe burst to a leaking dishwasher, you should know these three things about dealing with water damage in your apartment.

1. The Leak Won’t Fix Itself

When faced with a large water mess, it might seem easiest to simply turn your head and pretend you don’t see water pouring out from under your dishwasher. The best advice: face the problem head on. As soon as you notice water, start by:

  • Turning off the appliance
  • Canceling the cycle
  • Or, simply shutting off the main water line

These simple measures are quick and easy and may be the best way to prevent further water from entering the equation. Talk to your landlord as soon as possible about addressing the problems at hand.

2. Hasty Cleanup is Essential

Whether the property owner is ready to take immediate action or not, it may be in your best interest to get started on the process of cleaning up. Finding a local water restoration crew to help you with large water incidents, such as a pipe burst, can be helpful in documenting and safely treating the affected area.

3. Check Your Renters Insurance Policy

If any of your personal belongings sustain damage in an apartment water leak, contact your insurance company to learn more about your coverage. Many renter’s insurance policies approve claims in which water damage permanently ruins personal goods left in the wake of a residential water leak. However, if flooding continues into neighboring units wreaking havoc, renter’s insurance may not have you protected.

If you are faced with significant water damage from a pipe burst, begin the restoration and clean up process sooner than later. Taking quick action to dry and restore your apartment will yield the best end results.


3/15/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville

Flooding can happen fast in many environments. The American Red Cross recommends having the following list of items packed and ready to go in the event of an evacuation due to flooding.
• Water—3+ day supply; one gallon per person per day
• Food—3+ day supply of non- perishable, easy-to-prepare food
• Flashlight
• Battery-powered or hand-crank
radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if
• Extra batteries
• First Aid kit
• Medications (7-day supply) and
medical items (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, cane)
• Multi-purpose tool
• Sanitation/personal hygiene items
• Copies of secret documents
(medication list and pertinent medical information, deed/lease to home, birth certificates, insurance policies)
• Cell phone with chargers
• Family and emergency contact
• Extra cash
• Emergency blanket
• Map(s) of the area
• Baby supplies (bottles, formula,
baby food, diapers)
• Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food,
carrier, bowl)
• Tools/supplies for securing your home
• Extra set of car keys and house keys
• Extra clothing, hat, and sturdy shoes
• Rain gear
• Insect repellent and sunscreen
• Camera for photos of damage


3/10/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville

Flooding can happen fast in many environments. The American Red Cross recommends having the following list of items packed and ready to go in the event of an evacuation due to flooding.
• Water—3+ day supply; one gallon per person per day
• Food—3+ day supply of non- perishable, easy-to-prepare food
• Flashlight
• Battery-powered or hand-crank
radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if
• Extra batteries
• First Aid kit
• Medications (7-day supply) and
medical items (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, cane)
• Multi-purpose tool
• Sanitation/personal hygiene items
• Copies of secret documents
(medication list and pertinent medical information, deed/lease to home, birth certificates, insurance policies)
• Cell phone with chargers
• Family and emergency contact
• Extra cash
• Emergency blanket
• Map(s) of the area
• Baby supplies (bottles, formula,
baby food, diapers)
• Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food,
carrier, bowl)
• Tools/supplies for securing your home
• Extra set of car keys and house keys
• Extra clothing, hat, and sturdy shoes
• Rain gear
• Insect repellent and sunscreen
• Camera for photos of damage

Refrigerator Line Breaks in Knoxville Home

2/7/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville Home

Water damage can happen at any time; it is often at inconvenient times. This was the case for Mrs. Gilmore. Thankfully SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut was available. Mrs. Gilmore's refrigerator line broke which lead to massive amounts of water damage throughout the kitchen and the dining room. SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut was able to come out that night and set up drying units to limit the damage.

After further assessment and consulting with Mrs. Gilmore we decided the best course was the replace all of the flooring in the kitchen. Mrs. Gilmore was able to pick out the style that she wanted and new kitchen's appliances With the help of SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut a terrible situation was turned into a good one.

Flood Damage and Frozen Pipes: 3 Important Insurance Facts for

1/17/2019 (Permalink)

Busted pipe in a Bearden, TN home

Flood Damage and Frozen Pipes

Investing in homeowner’s insurance can protect your Bearden, TN, home when unexpected disaster strikes. However, when it comes to flooding, you may worry about gaps in your coverage and which circumstances are covered. Some instances, such as flooding as a result from a burst water pipe during cold weather may allow you to file an insurance claim; however, it is important to understand what you can expect as far as how much of the damage will be covered and what you might have to pay for out of pocket.

1. Preventative Measures Can Affect Coverage

Some insurance companies require that you take preventative measures to prevent frozen pipes. For example, insulating them in cold weather and performing regular maintenance that keeps them in good working order may be necessary for filing an insurance claim in the event of a pipe break. It is wise to understand the terms of your insurance coverage so you can take steps to comply.

2. Affected Surroundings Are Usually Covered

Because water damage from a burst pipe can be significant, your homeowner’s insurance will likely cover affected surfaces such as ruined flooring, soaked drywall and wood cabinets. If any building material needs to be removed in order to access frozen pipes, you might be compensated for this too, especially if the temperature plummeted unexpectedly and you did not have the opportunity to insulate them.

3. Pipe Repair Costs Are Typically Not Covered

While your insurance company may help you cover costs for a flood damage and restoration service to come in and repair floors, walls and other structures, you will likely have to pay a plumber out of pocket when it comes to repairing the broken pipe itself. Since this can be a considerable expense, it is a good idea to have a plan in place and to retain the services of a trusted professional before this type of problem occurs.

Being able to file insurance claim when a frozen water pipe breaks and damages your Bearden, TN, home can give you peace of mind during such an incident. However, it is wise to learn the details of your coverage so you are prepared in the face of an indoor winter flood.

Water Damage Strikes When You Least Expect It

1/1/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville Home

Water damage can happen at any time, often when you least expect it. This was the case for Mr. Watson and his family in Knoxville, TN. Their washing started to leak while they were away on vacation. His first call was too SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut. The water damage had affected the bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, and bedroom. We were able to respond within the hour and preserve most of the flooring in those rooms. We set up drying units throughout the rooms. We then replaced a small portion of the tile in the bathroom. Because we were able to come out so quickly the water damage was cleaned up within two days. 

Prevention Is Key to Avoiding Ice Dams

12/30/2018 (Permalink)

Ice dam can cause extensive water damage to your Knoxville, TN home

It's easy to fall into the habit of ignoring the gutters that run along the roof of your home. Unfortunately, that hard-to-see space can trap a lot of debris throughout the year, and when they become clogged with leaves and dirt, you and your home may suffer from the effects of an ice dam.

There are a few crucial facts all homeowners should understand about this type of winter water damage:

  • When ice builds up at the edge of the roof, water pools and melts into the home.
  • The resulting damages often go unnoticed until repairs are very expensive.
  • Ice dams and their related damages are avoidable.
  • Proper insulation can prevent dams from forming.
  • Roof maintenance and ventilation also stop dams from forming.

How Do Dams Happen?

As winter temperatures fluctuate, snow on the roof melts and refreezes. Just a couple of inches of snow on the roof can melt and refreeze into dams. As the cycle of thawing and freezing continues, a roof leak may develop until water seeps behind siding or inside the walls. Once there, the developing damage is often out of sight until much of the home has been impacted.

You Can Prevent an Ice Dam

Ceiling insulation with a rating of R-38 and about 12 inches of either cellulose or fiberglass is a strong preventative step. This layer of insulation should be consistently deep with special care given to areas where the walls meet the ceiling. Make sure insulation is sealed appropriately to prevent air and moisture from seeping where it shouldn't be.

Next, make sure there's a soffit-to-ridge ventilation system installed along the roof. If you have some ventilation, but you're not sure if it's adequate, contact a water damage restoration professional to assess the existing system.

Finally, restrict the loss of heat from the warmth indoors through the attic. Spray foam urethane, caulking, and weather-stripping can seal up holes, such as around lighting fixtures.

An ice dam can cause extensive water damage to your Knoxville, TN, home. Act now to put prevention techniques in place and contact professionals for help when you don't know how to proceed.

Don’t Let a Broken Pipe Burst Your Bubble

11/7/2018 (Permalink)

Kitchen flood after a pipe burst in a Knoxville,TN residence

When a pipe breaks in your home, you often find yourself dealing with a huge mess. Bursting pipes involve so much more than the break itself; you also have damage from the expulsion of water to contend with in the aftermath. Instead of panicking, however, just take a deep breath and follow these tips to take control of the situation.

Put Safety First

Before anyone can fix the broken pipe or begin the clean-up process, you need to take a few steps to keep everyone safe up until help arrives and while repairs are underway.

  • Turn off electrical breakers that may be impacted by the escaping water.
  • Shut off the main water valve to keep any damage from worsening.
  • Relieve pressure that may still be in the pipes by turning on a faucet.

Failing to address these safety concerns could result in electrocution or more excessive flooding and damage to your belongings. You have to act quickly and decisively to protect yourself and your home before you can move forward with repairs.

Assess the Damage

Depending on the amount of liquid released by the bursting pipes, you can use towels to begin mopping up any standing water on surfaces. Remove your furniture and other belongings from the affected area to prevent further deterioration. Understand that visible wetness is only on the surface. It’s more than probable that you’ll be dealing with harm done by water that has seeped down into walls and flooring, as well.

Fix the Problem

A Knoxville,TN, professional restoration service can best assist you with ensuring that all water damage caused by the break and any lingering moisture is found and repaired appropriately. It’s imperative to get them in quickly to avoid mold growth or secondary damage to your home’s structure. Once the immediate risk to your house is mitigated, you can focus on the logistics of taking care of the original leak source. Bursting pipes can be daunting, but you don’t have to face the recovery alone.

How Long Does Water Damage Cleanup Take?

10/8/2018 (Permalink)

Harwood damage in a Deane Hill,TN home

Water damage cleanup can take anywhere from two to 10 days. You should account for the type of building materials and source of water, such as bursting pipes, leaks, or flooding. The extent and duration of the damage may also prolong the cleanup process.

The Building Materials

Certain building materials require special consideration. Hardwood floors, in particular, can prolong the duration of cleanup when there are several factors involved:

  • Water permeating the polyurethane coating
  • Damaged planks
  • Sanding, scraping, or retrofitting of solid hardwood
  • Wet plywood subfloor
  • Moist concrete under the subfloor

Hardwood flooring should be dry all the way down to the concrete prior to restoration. Other building materials must also be completely dry before being repaired or replaced.

The Type of Water Damage

The source of the water that has caused the damage can add steps to the cleanup process.

  • Category One water from bursting pipes is clean and only needs to be dried.
  • Category Two gray water should be dried and disinfected.
  • Category Three black water requires removal of solid waste, drying, and disinfection.

Once you fix the broken pipe or the other source of damage, call a restoration service.

The Extent of the Damage

Extensive damage due to flooding will probably take longer to restore than a smaller area affected by a backup, broken pipe, or leak. Account for the square footage exposed to water when estimating the length of the restoration process.

The Duration of the Damage

The longer building materials have been exposed to water, the more extensive the restoration process. Standing water that goes unnoticed for hours or days can lead to more severe secondary damage.

Regardless of the conditions in your home in Deane Hill, TN, you can count on the expertise and equipment of restoration professionals. Call a plumber to fix bursting pipes and hire a residential restoration company to eliminate water and mitigate secondary damage.

It's The Water You Don't See

9/5/2018 (Permalink)

Knoxville water damage in bathroom.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality issues over time.

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO of West Knoxville has the equipment, training, and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the water damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut will answer your call with rapid action and a full arsenal of drying equipment.

Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards, and walls.

  • Moisture Meters are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO of West Knoxville to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity.

When armed with this information, SERVPRO of West Knoxville/Farragut Professionals can calculate and create an environment most conducive to drying. When facing contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.

  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate, This device can also be sued to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • Thermal Foggers dispense solvent-based products by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to an neutralize odor-causing problems.

Busted Pipe In Knoxville Home

4/17/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville

Water damage can happen at any time. Most of the time it is when you least expect it. Mr. Summner experienced this when he was away on vacation. A pipe burst in his ceiling, but it was not until two weeks later that a neighbor noticed the damage. The pipe had been leaking from an 18-foot ceiling. His first call was to SERVPRO of West Knoxville. Our highly trained professionals came out immediately to asses the damage. Since the pipe had been leaking for an extended period of time there was a lot of damage. 50% of the entire ceiling had to be torn out and replaced. All of the hardwood floors in the house had to be removed. The subfloor was either dried or removed. We were able to replace the flooring. All in all, over 5000 square feet of the house was damaged. Mr. Summner was extremely pleased with how quickly and professionally our team was.

Severe Weather Safety

4/4/2018 (Permalink)

Severe Weather Safety

Severe weather can happen any time, anywhere. Each year, Americans cope with an average of the following intense storms.

- 10,000 severe thunderstorms
-5,000 floods or flash floods
-1,300 tornadoes
-2 landfalling deadly hurricanes

Approximately 98 percent of all presidentially declared disasters are weather-related, leading to around 650 deaths per year and nearly $15 billion in damage. Knowing your risk severe weather, taking action, and being an example are just a few steps you can take to be better prepared to save your life and assist in saving the lives of others.

Know Your Risk. The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work, and how the weather could impact you, your business, and your family. Check the weather forecast regularly, obtain an NOAA Weather Radio, and learn about Wireless Emergency Alerts. Severe weather comes in many forms and your shelter plan should include all types of local hazards.

Be an Example. Once you have taken action to prepare for severe weather, share your story with co-workers and family and friends on Facebook and Twitter Your preparedness story will inspire others to do the same.

Knoxville Water Damage

3/14/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville Home

There are many homes in the Knoxville area that suffer from water damage. The first 24 hours following a water loss is the most important in
preventing secondary or permanent damage. Within four hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO® West Knoxville will be on-site to help ensure a water damage is handled by completing the following steps.


SERVPRO® Of West Knoxville will inspect affected areas to determine the extent of water damage
and will review the inspection with you to answer any questions before beginning any work.


SERVPRO® Of West Knoxville will take steps to help protect your home or business, as well as personal
belongings and other contents, from further damage by extracting the excess water and preparing the area for drying. They will explain the needed
emergency services to you step-by-step.


To help ensure your home or business and belongings are dried to appropriate industry standards, a SERVPRO® West Knoxville will monitor the drying process. The updates will be consistently communicated to you.


SERVPRO® West Knoxville will repair structural materials, reinstall carpets, and clean affected areas of your property and belongings. A final walkthrough of the job site will be conducted with you to help ensure the property was returned to preloss condition.


Shut off the water source if possible or contact a qualified party to stop the water source. Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock. Remove as much excess water as
possible by mopping and blotting. Place aluminum foil or wood blocks of furniture legs and wet carpeting. Move any paintings, art objects,
computers, documents, and other sensitive valuables to a dry place. Don’t enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers, or electrical equipment are exposed to water. Always
avoid electrical shock hazards. Don’t use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water; this
could cause electrical shock or damage to the vacuum cleaner.
Don’t turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet or enters rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

For more information on
recovering from water damage,
contact your local SERVPRO®
West Knoxville

Preparing Your Home to Transition from Winter to Spring

2/13/2018 (Permalink)

There’s still snow on the ground here in West Knoxville, Tennessee, but there are also robins in the yard. And if you look closely you can see the tiny green spears of daffodils and crocuses peeking out. Spring is just around the corner! And we know you are ready for it. Is your home? Here are a few things to think about when it comes to the transition from cold winter weather to the warmth and sunshine of spring.

Rising temperatures mean melting snow and ice, and accumulated water can cause water damages to your property unless you are prepared.

First on your list should be your gutters. They can be full of dead leaves, small branches, and even dirt from the rough weather. Get those gutters cleaned out right away so the spring showers don’t cause mold problems and water damage to interior walls, because that can be a big issue. Make sure the downspouts are directing water the right way, as well. Tough West Knoxville winter weather could have caused them to change position.

How’s your roof faring? As the melting begins, keep an eye on it to see if any leaks have started due to storm damage over the past few weeks and months. Take a look at any vents to see if vegetation or mold has take hold, obstructing air flow.

The filters in your HVAC unit likely need to be changed, and you will want to clean out ducts, vents, and the system itself. Duct work can be hard to check, so you may need to contact West Knoxville professionals to come out and help.

Your windows have taken a beating, so you will want to inspect them for storm and water damage. Cracks, damaged weather stripping, improper fit; all these issues can cause problems down the road. Now is a great time to get them professionally cleaned and let that warmth and sunshine in!

Shovel any remaining snow 3 to 5 feet away from your foundations and keep an eye out for cracks caused by the harsh winter conditions. They can be caulked and sealed as soon as you notice them, and you’ll be ready for whatever comes.

You can check your hoses and sprinkler systems at this time and replace anything damaged by all the storms and the water from melting snow and ice. Uncover plants, and believe it or not, fertilize the lawn and garden!  

While you are inspecting your home, if you notice any severe storm damage, take pictures for insurance purposes, in case you need to file a claim.

And don’t forget to call us here at SERVPRO of West Knoxville/ Farragut for all your repairs and clean-up needs! We specialize in water and storm damage, fire damage, and mold prevention. You can contact us by phone at (865) 690 9658, or visit us on our website: SERVPRO West Knoxville/ Farragut


8/22/2017 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville

Imagine coming home from work to a flooded home, thanks to a faulty mechanism in your washing machine. You are ready to pull your hair out! You know you need help now because those hardwood floors will absorb a lot of water, as will the lower portion of your walls. If left untreated, water damage can lead to mold and mildew problems, as well as cause structural weakness to the damaged areas.
Trying to repair the water damage yourself to your Knoxville home may end up making the problem even worse. Our professional techs at SERVPRO know all too well the damages water can do to your home. We have all the equipment needed to dry your walls and floors before that damage becomes permanent.
We also know that problems can happen anytime - day or night; this is the reason we offer our customers 24-Hour Emergency Services. We understand you need immediate professional help after your home is flooded.
SERVPRO is a locally owned and operated business with professionally trained technicians. Our techs are skilled in water restoration, mold remediation, carpet, and furniture cleaning as well as any other cleaning that may be needed. We know how to assess the problem and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Our techs have all the knowledge, experience, and tools they need to restore your property correctly. We use four factors to help determine how long it will take to dry your home:
* Temperature: needs to be kept between 70 and 90 degrees.
* Humidity: ideally between 30% and 60%.
* Extraction of water: the more that can be removed, the better.
* Air Movement: need to steadily move wet air away from wet surfaces.
We finish each job by providing our customers with documents proving the property is restored to its preloss condition. SERVPRO works with you and your insurance company, providing you with any paperwork you need to process your claim. 

No matter what time of day or night, when an emergency happens, you can trust SERVPRO to respond to your water removal needs quickly. It's nice to know that someone has your back when a crisis strikes.

How to prevent Electronics from causing extreme water damage

8/22/2017 (Permalink)

Water Damage Knoxville

Water damage can occur for many different reasons. Sometimes, it happens as the result of a flood due to heavy rains. Other times, it may be due to an inside flood, such as when a pipe or a water heater bursts. Whatever the case may be, if you are dealing with water damage or water-damaged electronics, appliances, or other devices, you need to proceed with extreme caution. The best thing you can do, after water damage has occurred, is to call on Nashville professionals who are familiar with dealing with such damage, such as our skilled pros at SERVPRO of West Knoxville. In the meantime, make sure you practice some good safety tips with the water damaged devices.

First things first, before you start thinking about possible water damage restoration, you need to make sure that you are not in immediate danger and that the devices that you own are not going to cause a fire or another serious incident.

After water damage has occurred, check your home to see if you have any damaged devices plugged in. If you find that you do, shut off the electricity at the breaker level. This will keep damaged devices from being able to start a fire. You should not touch, go near, or inspect any devices that are plugged in until you are certain that the electricity is off. Following this important tip will help you to avoid electric shock.

Believe it or not, it is not only plugged in water damaged electronics that pose a risk. Any device that contains a battery can also pose a serious risk. Thus, it's best to let our pros at SERVPRO of West Knoxville handle any such devices if you think they may have been damaged. At the very least, before touching any battery operated device, ensure that it is not giving off heat or smoke, bulging, melting, or making strange sounds. All these types of things are major warning signs that something serious and potentially dangerous is wrong with the battery!

As you can see, you're not always in the clear once the water subsides! To keep safe, contact the experts at SERVPRO of West Knoxville before you do anything. At the very least, follow these simple tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Prevent Frozen Pipes from Causing Water Damage

7/26/2017 (Permalink)

Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a leading cause of water damage in the colder months of the year. Why?

Water has the unfortunate property in that as it freezes, it expands. This can affect all types of water lines, whether metal, plastic, or PVC. Simply, all pipes are subject to bursting given the right amount of pressure. As the water freezes, it can expand the pipe, eventually, cause a hairline crack or a complete break. At that point the portion unfrozen will then provide a continual stream of water until shut off, causing water damage throughout the property.

How can I prevent my pipes from freezing or bursting?

If possible, make sure that all pipes and supply lines on exterior walls are insulated. Exterior walls will be much colder than interior walls given their location. Additionally, all water lines in basements and crawlspaces need to be insulted as they will be subjected to very cold temperatures. Simple foam insulation wrap can help prevent your pipes from freezing.
Make sure all outdoor hoses are removed from exterior hose bibs.
Always keep your heating unit on and operational, even when away on vacation. If leaving for an extended period of time, set your thermostat to no colder than 55 degrees to ensure that your home has enough heat to properly keep interior pipes from freezing.
Keep garage doors closed if you have water supply lines located in that area. In extreme cases of sever cold for extended periods of time, ensure that exposed pipes are insulated. Space heaters (placed away from anything flammable) can provide heat and warmth to combat cold environments in garage areas.
If you notice very low water pressure from water supply areas, a frozen pipe could be the cause. Immediate action should be taken to identify the problem.
What should I do if my pipes are already frozen?

Turn on all the faucets with warm water, not hot, to a slow drip. This will help in supplying warmer water to the area without causing an abrupt temperature change. It will also help you in determining the location of the freeze.
Apply exterior heat to the frozen section of pipe. This can be done with a hair dryer, electric heating pad, space heater, towels soaked in warm water wrapped around the pipe. NEVER use open flame devices as this can be a major fire hazard.
Keep continual heat on the area until water flow is restored to normal.
Once restored, try to determine why the area froze. It may be as simple as adding insulation, sleeve wraps, UL listed heat tape, or other forms of insulation.
If you cannot locate, find, or properly thaw your pipes, call a professional plumber to assist.
What if my pipes burst and caused damage?

If your pipes have busted, cracked, or began leaking, immediate action should be taken to ensure that water damage can be minimized to your property. Soak up as much water as possible with towels or extract with a shop vac. It's often necessary to have professionals like SERVPRO come in and completely mitigate the water. Home drying efforts can help reduce damages, but will not get rid of all moisture and humidity. It's important to ensure that your property is completely dry and dehumidified to prevent secondary damage from ruining your home, flooring, furnishings, or building materials. Call SERVPRO today if you've had water damage from a pipe leak, and we'll work with you and/or your insurance company to make sure that your home is restored correctly!

Get more water damage tips here.

Understanding Water Damage in Knoxville, TN

3/29/2017 (Permalink)

Flooded Bed Room

When your home or business suffers a water damage in Knoxville, TN, understanding what type of water you are dealing with is critical to ensuring proper cleanup.
There are three types of water. Clean water is water from a broken pipe or other water source; rainwater is also considered clean. The term gray water is used to classify slightly contaminated water. Clean water becomes gray water when it is left untreated allowing bacteria and other contaminants to begin growing, making the water hazardous. Black water is highly contaminated and filled with fungi, bacteria, chemicals and more. Black water is typically caused by sewage damage, flooding or any type of natural disaster. Black water should always be handled by trained professionals.
Consider taking the follow precautions to help minimize damage or prevent further damage while waiting for help to arrive.

Damage from Clean Water in Knoxville, TN

-Shut off water source if possible or contact a qualified professional to do so.
-Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building if access to the power distribution panel is safe from potential electrical shock. Do not enter rooms with standing water, as electrical shock hazards may exist.
-Remove as much excess water as possible my mopping and blotting. Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and table items.
-Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions to allow more even drying.
- Move any paintings, art objects computers, documents and other valuable items that may be sensitive to moisture to a safe place.
-Do not leave books, newspapers magazines or other colored items on wet carpets or floors as they may cause staining.
- Do not use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water as there is potential for electrical shock causing damage to the vacuum cleaner.
-Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet; do not enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

Damage from Contaminated Water in Knoxville, TN

-Avoid all contact with sewage and items contaminated by sewage. Wash your hands thoroughly if you come in contact with contaminated items.
-Do not walk through contaminated areas, as you could spread damage to unaffected areas.
-Do not turn on the HVAC system if there is a possibility of spreading contaminated air.
-Do not use household fans to dry the structure; air flow could spread contaminants.
-Discard any food and/or products for personal hygiene and cleanliness if exposed to the contaminated areas.

Flooding Can Happen In Knoxville, TN

3/7/2017 (Permalink)

Flood Damage

According to the National Weather Service (NOAA), "Approximately seventy-five percent of all Presidential disaster declarations are associated with flooding." NOAA lists the most common flood hazards in the United States as:

  • Flash Flooding
  • River Flooding
  • Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation from
  • Tropical and Non-Tropical Systems
  • Burn Scars/Debris Flows (Caused by Wildfires)
  • Ice/Debris Jams
  • Snowmelt
  • Dry Wash (Caused by heavy rainfall in dry areas)
  • Dam Breaks/Levee Failure

Just because you haven't experienced a flood doesn't mean you won't in the future. In fact, 20% of all claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for policies in low-risk communities. On average, flood cost $3.5 billion in annual losses in the U.S., and commercial flood claims average more than $75,000 (NFIP).

When catastrophic water damage happens to you, SERVPRO of West Knoxville can help. They can help you prepare ahead of time with an Emergency Ready Profile, or respond to any size disaster to begin cleanup and restoration to get you back in business as soon as possible.